Mess and All….

THIS is what my house looked like today when one of my best friends came over with her son for an impromptu play date. I wish I could say that some of this was staged for the picture. But alas, it was not. This is what our house looks like. I could say that it […]

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Thank you for curdled milk…

WARNING: This blog post is about REAL life and REAL events. If you have a weak stomach, read no further. Otherwise, enjoy a snippet of my REAL life! 😉 My husband, Jon, and I had JUST been talking about vomiting in vehicles a few days ago. I really don’t remember why. I think we talked […]

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What I need when I fall short…

It was one of THOSE days…. up every couple of hours with one kid or another…. woken up for the day too early to be any shade of “nice” or “gracious”… griping, whining, temper tantrums… (and that’s just how I had been that day – I haven’t even started on how the kids had been […]

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